- How shall we get sustenance? 我们怎样维持生活呢?
- How shall we get to Yu Yuan Garden, by bus or by taxi? 去豫园公园该乘公共汽车还是出租车?
- How shall we go about do the job? 我们怎样着手干这件工作?
- How much ham shall we get? Three kilos. 我们要买多少火腿?三公斤。
- How much beef and ham shall we get? 我们需要买多少牛肉和火腿?
- Shall we get the luggage down before the train stop? 我们在停车以前把行李取下来吧?
- How shall we answer the question raised by him ? 我们该怎样回答他提出的问题呢?
- How shall we go there,by car or by train? 我们怎么走?坐汽车还是坐火车?
- At what time shall we get to London? 我们什么时候可以抵达伦敦?
- How shall we have it in your case, Liang Shu-ming? 对于你梁漱溟,我们实行那一条呢?
- How shall we proceed with our industrialization? 我们的工业化怎样搞呢?
- Shall we be able to swim when we get there? 去了以后,能在那里游泳吗?
- How shall we divide up the labour in the work? 我们怎样分工?
- Shall we get the luggage down before it stops? 我们是不是在停车前把行李拿下来?
- How shall we kill the rest of the time? 剩下的时间,咱们干什么?
- When shall we get the examination results? 我们什么时候可以收到考试结果?
- How shall we deal with the children? 我们怎么处置这个孩子呢?
- When shall we get together for a drink? 我们什么时候一起喝杯酒吧。
- How shall we deal with the problem? 我们将如何处理这个问题?
- Shall we get some shrimp and prawns? 我们要不要买些小虾和对虾?